“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

Information can come in various ways. As young adults, we have a duty to ourselves to constantly educate ourselves in and out of class, at all times. The world is constantly changing, therefore upgrades in our learning are necessary. No matter if you are interested in fitness, photography, wealth building, or anything else, there is always something more for you to learn about that passion of yours. 

Today, I will be providing my top three personal development authors. They may be strictly about wealth but most are about internal development – as you know, the outside cannot change if the inside is static. They are in no specific order, just listed.

Napoleon Hill

I know I sthink_and_grow_rich_bookaid there is no specific order, but I have to say, any book that I have read by Napoleon Hil has really helped me to wrap my mind around proper thinking in terms of wealth as well as manifesting whatever I want – and they haven’t failed me yet. If you need help finding or unveiling the personal goals that you hope to achieve, there is a Napoleon Hill book out there for you. As a matter of fact, he inspired me to write my own book on personal financial tips. Whenever strangers or friends ask me for a list of books that they should read pertaining to their individual situations, a Napoleon Hill book is always amongst those lists. 

My personal titles that I own had either been bought by myself or my father and given to me. These include Think and Grow Rich (1937), The Master-Key to Riches (1945), The Law of Success (1928), Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement (1997), The Science of Success: Napoleon Hill’s Proven Program for Prosperity and Happiness (2014). As you can probably tell, I really listen to Napoleon Hill. Most of these can be found on Amazon or wherever you buy books – both as a physical copy or eBook. 

John C. Maxwell 

41mKxtsVc3L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Maxwell is another author that has some sort of magnificent skill of motivating you while giving you a blueprint for accomplishing whatever you want to achieve. Who could think one could fit so many key ideas into small books? This is an author who also has a plethora of books that were either handed down to me or purchased outright by me. The most popular book by him happens to also be my favorite by him, How Successful People Think. In order to be successful in any walk of life, you should aim to think how they think. The average person thinks…average. Which means they do average things and get average results: an average job, an average salary, an average marriage, etc. If you aim for more, you cannot look towards those who are average. Unless you are fortunate to be around those who are who you want to be already, you have to look to books that do the hard work of finding these men and women and their insights for you. 

The titles that I own and recommend from this amazing author include: How Successful People Think (2009), How to Influence People (2013), and The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (2007). These titles alone will elevate you in how you see yourself and how you see the world. They will also change the way you act amongst your peers as well as how you see opportunities instead of problems. 

Robert Greene

Thi41VH33HEACLs author is one of a kind. I constantly re-read his titles, learning something new and relevant to my life every time I pick them up. He is known for his book 48 Laws of Power (2000). This book has done wonders to my life personally, at work, amongst friends and family, everywhere. This book and the way he writes it opens up your world to understand that every interaction you have with someone is a game. There are rules and there are ways to win. By not knowing the game, you are already losing. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who wants to excel in business or in the workplace. Note: You may start to critique everything your peers and upper management do. This is a good thing. 

Aside from that given title, he has many that fit into different aspects of your life. The ones that I recommend include are Mastery (2012), The 33 Strategies of War (2007), and The Art of Seduction (2003). These three and the former that I have included are crucial to the various stages and events that you will experience in your life. With the many stories told in these books, you will have a quick history lesson that is directly related to the many ideas and questions you may have about life. 

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Until Next Time,

Live Long and Prosperous.


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